The Inspiration:23-02-11

1. janelle's parasol 2&3 am i the only person who thinks Barbara is beautiful? 4. a lovely vintage moment 5&6 janelle, beaver face and tracee 7. the king submerged in mint green, pastel pink and lemon like a Napoleon ice cream 8. the necklace 9&10 the freshest kids 11. colour block 12. MJ RIP 13. lanvin look great on everyone 14&15 orange head band and the 70's blowout 16. Marilyn in pastels 17&18 shingai and 00's blowout 19. the hive! 20. Barbara and what's up docs? one of my favourite films 21. as soon as summer hits......22. battle of the jerri curl! let your soul glow!!!!!!